A Big Week!

Karthik and Guha

What kind of studio reveals two games in two days in two completely different genres? We just couldn’t help ourselves! Sure, it’s a ton of work to bring amazing and unique games to the world. When you do it two at a time, that becomes even tougher. Reckless? Maybe. Challenging? Definitely. But in the end, designing brand new experiences for the gaming community to enjoy is just who we are.

With a diverse team that boasts a wealth of knowledge and creativity, ideas are everywhere. The first game we announced this week was Midnight Murder Club, which combines a game of hide-and-seek in the dark with shooter gameplay to make a truly thrilling playground in a pitch-black mansion for you and your friends. The second game, Bounce Arcade, is a VR game that takes pinball and flips it inside out: reimagining what is possible by bringing you into the machine through the immersion of VR.

These two games are just the beginning! Velan is also working on other titles to bring more innovation, more quickly to a player community that deserves new ideas. To do this, we are focusing on invention with smaller teams and shorter development times around ideas we’re not only passionate about, but we feel give something special to players.

We appreciate all the support from our community, and nothing makes us happier than to deliver fresh gaming experiences to you. We know that some of you are waiting for Knockout City to return and are disappointed that we didn’t announce any news about that this week. As an indie studio, we love our ability to lean into ideas that excite us, and rest assured we love KO City as much as you do and want to bring it back, *just not yet*. We spent over four years crafting Knockout City the first time around, and we don’t want to rush the process for the next game in that universe. We love that world and can’t imagine not going back to it at some point, when the time is right.

Most importantly this week, we want to acknowledge all our team members, whose hard work makes these games possible. It’s been a tough time for the industry and for Velan, but nothing is more energizing than bringing out new games. We look forward to sharing more of Midnight Murder Club, Bounce Arcade, and our other unannounced titles soon.


Karthik and Guha